Pascetti Steel recently completed exterior canopy frames for Outback Steakhouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Complete with pre-finished roofing panels and powder coated frame, they compliment the building’s architecture while remaining maintenance free for years. Pascetti Steel can ship pre-finished canopies of any type of metal to any location for easy installation.
Pascetti Steel Design creates shade structures versatile enough for any outdoor location.
- Athletic Venues
- Parking Structures
- Playground Shading
- Parent Pickup Areas
- Corporate Complexes
- Restaurant Patios
- Parks and Recreation Areas
- Transit/Bus Stops
- Walkways

Strong and elegant shade structures complement any architectural style. Whether you’re looking for a simple stand-alone structure or an integrated system of covered walkways and shelters, Pascetti Steel knows how to take your core concept and make it a reality.