UNM Smith Plaza Renovation

As your eyes glaze over from the sheer size of these gorgeous shade structures grounded literally in the “heart” of the main UNM campus, you might already be planning your next getaway to enjoy, study and simply hang out. A gathering place sure to please all. All six shade structures are a collaboration between architect, […]
2016 Year in Review

Exciting Year in Review – 2016 At the start of the new year, we would like to take a look back at some of the wonderful projects and events we were a part of throughout 2016. These types of creative projects are truly what keep us going, so we cherish the members of the community […]
Perforated Metal Panels

Perforated Metal Panels Perforated metal panels are very versatile for commercial and residential projects. From lightweight decorative elements to load-bearing structural components, perforated metal panels offer unique opportunities that combine strength, functionality and aesthetics. Benefits include: Steel, aluminum, copper, galvanized, brass and stainless steel available Provide contemporary atmosphere and appearance “Open area percentages” for specific airflow applications […]
Stair Railings and Guards for Del Norte High School Remodel

Del Norte High School Remodel Pascetti Steel Design was awarded the contract for the recent Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) complete reconstruction of Del Norte High School in Albuquerque, NM. This project included ADA compliant steel railings, and metal infill with custom perforation and an unpunched border. The infill also featured a natural, anti-graffiti aluminum finish. […]
Custom Perforated Metal Enclosure for Bank Branch in Albuquerque, NM

Perforated Metal Enclosure A branch of Sandia Area Federal Credit Union in Albuquerque, New Mexico recently received a face-lift on one of their outdoor stairwells courtesy of Pascetti Steel Design. This custom perforated metal enclosure features anti-graffiti natural aluminum finish, trimmed edges, and of course, complete installation. Pascetti Steel Design can offer custom perforation on […]